In the name of Allah the Destroyer of the Oppressors.
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Dear martyr commander .... A school, a way, an educating center, take a look at this angle...
Supreme Leader, May Allah protect him
Islamic Preaching Office, Isfahan branch intends to hold a "The Idea Event for Qasim the Gallant" to save the name and memory of Major General Martyr Qassim Suleimani.
You can present your new creative ideas regarding different aspects of Martyr Suleimani’s personality in one of the following areas.
- Mosque-based designs
- School-based designs and patterns
- Community-based designs and patterns
- Media field designs and templates
- Advertising and information designs and templates
- Family plans and patterns
- Designs and patterns of cyberspace and communication technologies
- Art designs and patterns
- Event Plans and Templates
- Patterns of rituals, meetings and social habits
- Designs and patterns of workplace - worker environments
- And...
Deadline for submitting ideas by March 29th, 2020 
The closing ceremony will be held on April11th 2020, concurrent with the birthday of Imam Zaman
Of the ideas received after reviewing and announcing the jury's opinion, 40 ideas will be accepted and invited to the closing ceremony. Ideologists will present their ideas and will be published. The top ideologists will be given exquisite gifts.
Contribute the cause of spreading this Marty’s ideas throughout the world, and not just Iran, by posting this poster as much as you can.
For more information Gentlemen Contact: +989138034916, and ladies contact +989132019239


تعداد بازديد اين صفحه: 211
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دفتر تبلیغات اسلامی حوزه علمیه قم (شعبه اصفهان)
مجری سایت : شرکت سیگما